Friday, August 1, 2008

7 Peaks

We have loved having Seven Peaks passes this year, and we have definitely gotten our money's worth going at least once a week, but usually twice each week. We will be getting them again next year for sure, as it can only get easier and more fun the older Lindsay gets. I don't have much to post about our trips to Seven Peaks though, because I rarely take the camera, and when I do, I am busy swimming and playing with my kids, so I don't take many pictures. I did bring the camera this last Monday when we went with the Gockens, Arnolds, and Wilsons. So here are the few pictures I snapped.

We were there from 11 a.m. until 6 p.m. and everyone was exhausted after a long day. Lindsay was begging to go again on Wednesday, so I guess they don't get tired of it. We are always there when it opens, and run to ride as many slides as we can before the long lines develop. We pack a cooler of food, and if it is even possible, I think my kids eat a lot more at Seven Peaks than they do at home. Seven Peaks has made this summer fly by even faster than usual.

1 comment:

C World said...

your sons are getting more handsome and your girls more darling! how fun to have 7 Peaks passes!