Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Lindsay's 1/2 Birthday

Lindsay loves birthdays, the "birthday song," and of course, opening presents. She is constantly asking when she gets her birthday party. We don't normally celebrate half birthdays in our family, but we decided now that Lindsay is 3, that she needs a day of her own to celebrate her birthday in addition to Dec. 25th. It doesn't seems like your birthday when everyone else is opening presents too. We let her choose dinner which is our birthday tradition. She emphatically wanted noodles, so we ended up with Spaghetti. We had planned this special day for Lindsay for weeks, but we got a phone call right before dinner that my cousin, Ammon, had received his mission call and was going to open it at 7 p.m. with any family that wanted to come. We decided it would be fun to be there for his call, and something we wanted our boys to be at. It was perfect! Everyone was so excited, the Spirit was powerful, and there was a ton of family there. We are very glad we took the time to go. Ammon is going to Oakland, California and Spanish speaking.
We rushed home after Ammon opened his call so we could properly celebrate Lindsay's 1/2 birthday. She has been begging for a bike.
I hope you had a good day, Lindsay!

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