Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Pet Store Gave Us Two Male Rats

...and now we have 13 rats. The babies are pretty cute, and the kids are so excited, but 13 rats! Dave and I came home from a basketball game when Jaron and Brayden informed us of the 11 new babies. My reaction was to just laugh. We had 2 "male" gerbils about 7 or 8 years ago, and they also had babies. I guess when you purchase little rodents, and you know very little about their anatomy, chances are, you may not get what you thought you had gotten. We are hoping the pet store is cooperative when we bring a bunch of rats back to them. Brayden wants to keep his rat: the mother, but we obviously have to get rid of Jaron's father rat. Bryce has also been begging for a rat of his own, so we will keep a baby for him and one for Jaron to replace the father. Hopefully we will be successful at getting all the same sex. I don't want another surprise litter, but so far this surprise has been fairly enjoyable.

1 comment:

Sheree said...

Aww! They are kinda cute. I bet that is fun.