Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Jon Got His Mission Call!

The entire family has been waiting very impatiently for Jon's mission call to finally come. We knew it had been sent from church headquarters last week. My mom and dad were set to leave for Hong Kong on Wednesday, October 15th bright and early in the morning, so we were all crossing our fingers that they would still be around for this important event. I talked to my mom about 3 p.m. on Tuesday, October 14th, and she was pretty certain it wasn't going to come that day. She had talked to a post office worker that assured her that mission calls always came in on Thursday in Springville. Thanks goodness, it came! We all gathered at my parents' home in Springville to be with Jon as he opened his call.
He is going to the Chile Concepcion South Mission, and reports to the MTC on January 28th. I think he is really excited to be able to speak Spanish!
I am so excited for Jon! He is going to be an awesome missionary. I am so grateful for his example to my kids! He always shows genuine interest in them and always takes time to give them attention and play with them. We love you Jon and are so excited for you!

1 comment:

Breezy said...

Hey Tiffany! I am adding you to my blogging budies :)