1. He is a very good example to his younger brothers and sisters.
2. He always tells me thank you for dinner, and he never complains about what I make. If he doesn't particularly like something (mushrooms), he just moves them to the side of his plate.
3. He is very obedient. It is very nice to have such an awesome teenager.
4. He loves to tell me about all the things he did during the day, he asks lots of questions (of which most I don't know the answers to), and he is fun to talk to.
5. He looks out for other people, especially his siblings.
6. He is always up for playing a good board game or Dance, Dance Revolution.
7. He works really hard including doing well in school, scouts, and learning the clarinet. I never have to ask or tell him to practice the clarinet. He is constantly practicing just because he wants to improve.
8. He is working hard to develop a strong testimony of Jesus Christ. He works diligently to read his scriptures, and he is always so attentive in Sacrament meeting. All my other kids still love to color and read the church magazines in Sacrament meeting, but Jaron has been earnestly trying to listen for several years.
9. He is always willing to help out. He will take on a project, speak in church, teach a lesson, help someone with homework, hang out with those who need friends, and just do little things around the house without being asked.
10. He is a very good babysitter! The younger kids love that he takes time to play with them when Dave and I are away.
11. Jaron is very social, and a goof around his friends, but he knows when to be serious and not goof off.
12. Jaron is always excited to try knew things, and works hard to improve in the activities he undertakes.
13. Jaron genuinely loves each member of our family, and he shows it through hugs, play, compliments, and patience.
14. Jaron is an amazing young man! I couldn't be any prouder of him than I already am. He lives up to some very high standards he has set for himself. He is an amazing son and older brother, and he will make a wonderful missionary, husband, and father someday!
I finally got the chance to look at your blog! Hope you are all doing well :)
I wish I knew your kids better. They seem great! Jaron seems like his perfect! I don't think I'll be so lucky with Bonnie!!
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